Marhaban ya ramadhan. Welcome Ramadhan
Today, we are celabrating a holy month that called "Ramadhan". Ramadhan is a special month for muslim in every world. All Muslim people greeted this month with joyfull and happiness.
In many different place ramadhan have special tradition that made it speacialthan other place and no one like it. In Indonesia, as a one of the largest Muslim population in the world. We are also celebrate ramadhan . We are doing fast, pray and other islamic rites tradition.
In Indonesian when the first day of ramadhan come, it's the sign that all muslim are fasting. We can see the different atmosphere in Indonesia when ramadhan comes.
First There are rising prices of basic commodities and the need for food are increases.
Second In line with the coming of holy month Ramadan all the television channel and radio, advertise about Islamic activity and ramadhan activity.
When you come here to Indonesian Market You'll find new trend2 of new clothes, veil, hijab, jilbab saruung and Islamic acessoris.
At the last in ramadhan, we can find Islamic chairity, zakat, and education visits to orphanages and other social activities will exposure in every where. And mosque will full of child, teenager and parents that doing islamic activity.
If you come to Indonesia in holy month Ramadhan you'll find food court, cafe little hard than usual cause it just open in morning and after noon. They just open nearly buka times (iftar times) in the evening. Every activities will start late noon and finish before evening.
During the holy ramadhan, some places of entertainment were closed as karaoke, movie etc.
As other Muslim people in different countries, islamic people in Indonesia use their day in holy month to do some religious activity. Reading al-quran and sunnah, islamic book doing sahuur, Iftar and Taraweeh are some activities that we always do in holy month
What else can we do in ramadhan that can be useful thing in holy ramadhan beside doing islamic activities?
Yea we have lot of activity :)
Sahur is a special rites that we do before subuh (morning pray/ sholah). Here an activity eating some meal that mark the beginning of the fasting ritual and is performed before the morning prayers.
To awaken people to eat the meal of sahuur, we have some tradition that done by teenager. They usually come from one place to other in one area by walk. They make a noise sound by hitting the bamboo stick, drum, or bottle to wake up the people. They make some variation tone, lyrics that combine with sahuur.. sahuur call as loud. In some place this activity is organized to one competition or event.
Taraweeh is a main activity as fasting in holy month. It's not must order in islam or "sunnah" but in holy month every people compete to get the reward from God as a better muslim by do additional prayer. So we do a lot of religious activity.
Taraweeh worship done as a form of practice or sunnah prayers after routine pray in night (shalah isya'). Indonesian Muslims usually do it in a nearby mosque.

Ngabuburit is a tradition to wait for breaking the fast with positive activities like walk out with friends, listening to islamic lectures, buying out some iftar meals and other activities that are positive.
Ngabuburit in the beginning was the tradition that come from West Java (Bandung) Sunda region that spreads to the rest of Indonesia today. At the past the people wait the breaking the fast with fishing, go to the fild and do outdoor activity with friend or relatives together.
But today we usually do in Mosque, Mall, Food court or Market. There are some place that nearby mosque or field that sell ifthar food that called "Ramadhan Market", this market supporting the ngabuburit tradition.

We can find speciall food in another islamic country when ramadhan comes for breaking the fast. The most commonly are tamr. kurma or dates the fruit that origin from middle east area (Egypt, Saudi Arabia and another country). So what is Indonesian people eat for breaking the fast in holy month.??
Wait and see.
1. Dates
Wait and see.
1. Dates
Date, kurma/tamr is a mainly menu for us to breaking the fast. It's comes from religiously reason to follow our prophet s.a. by eating dates. So how you cna find it in Indonesia??
As tropical country in wet climate we can't growth dates tree in our country so we imported it. They served it in super market and other just accidentally when ramadhan comes. in usual month we are really rare to find dates especially we find in arab town as chinese town.
As tropical country in wet climate we can't growth dates tree in our country so we imported it. They served it in super market and other just accidentally when ramadhan comes. in usual month we are really rare to find dates especially we find in arab town as chinese town.
2. Drink (Fruit Soup, Cendol, kolak, candil, dawet)
here the most favourite drink when romadhan comes in our country,
Fruit soup
this soup is consist of some fruit (apple, pear, dragon fruit etc) that shaped cube and pour with milk and syrup water. for the topping we put some grilled ice on it
Cendol is a kind of drink that made from a jelly and cocounut milk with sweetenest from palm sugar.
It has sweet and nicely taste completed with some fruit or ice cube.
Kolak is kind of soup that made from cocounat milk, boiled with banana, cassava, or squash and use pandan leaves to make it smell good.it's served in warm dishes.
Cendol is a kind of drink that made from a jelly and cocounut milk with sweetenest from palm sugar.
It has sweet and nicely taste completed with some fruit or ice cube.
Kolak is kind of soup that made from cocounat milk, boiled with banana, cassava, or squash and use pandan leaves to make it smell good.it's served in warm dishes.
Candil, dawet, bajigur, pisng ijo ice, soda shake, juice is another kind choice whenever you want to drink.
3. Gorengan "Fried meals"
Goriengan is kind of fried meals that usally eating as a completed rice. But you also can eat it directly. Gorengan is kind of Fried tofu, fried tempeh, risoles, bakwan, bala2/ wecih and other kind of fried creation.
Goriengan is kind of fried meals that usally eating as a completed rice. But you also can eat it directly. Gorengan is kind of Fried tofu, fried tempeh, risoles, bakwan, bala2/ wecih and other kind of fried creation.
The main part that make gorengan is different from other are, it's use flour to cover up tofu, tempe and other kind of meal before it fried on the pan. IWe use fresh chilli (yhe green chili that's not too hot) for completed.
That's all kind of meals are supper/ desert for us that just eaten before or after main meals before maghrib times. And after shalah maghrib we usually have main meals to eat.
What kind of main meals that showed if ramadhanand holy month comes?? here we are.
At usual in daily live Indonesian people eat rice as staple food and vegetables or meat as completed. In holy month ramadhan we have special food that's usually made to make the holy month event more special.
1. Opor Ayam
"Opor " is indonesian traditional food that especially serve in holy month. This meal made from chicken that combine with spices, coconut milk and other kind ingridient that smell good.
2. Rendang/ Gule
it's kind of meal that special from padang. hmmm so delicious. i don't know the exactly ingridients but i know the exactly taste :D
3. Ketupat, lemang, lepet etc
it's kind of food from rice that wrapped by coconut leves.. and boiled. Lemang boiled in bamboo stick. This kind of food are have similarities with lontong, lupis, lepet etc.
4. Nasi uduk/ nasi kuning
This kind of rice is delicious it has similarities with nasi lemak in malaysia. this rice is smell good and taste so delicious cos it cooked with pandan leaves and coconut milk.
At the end of holy month, Indonesian people have a tradition to make or buying cake, biscuits, bread and other kind of cake to face Idul Fitri a holy day as a sign of finishing Holy month "Ramadhan".
This kind of food is specially made to sserve when our relatives, friend and neighbour comes to our home. In Idul fitri Indonesian people have a tradition to visit others. It will last from Idul fitri until a month. This kind of visit others in Idul fitri called "Halal bi halal" or some kind in government or speciall person they have "open house" for a big a mount visitor.
So what we do when we visit others??
We get hand shake with others and take forgive each other. Next we say blessing in celebrate Idul Fitr. In other country they usually say "Id mubarak" in Indonesia we can say "selamat idul fitri" and "Mohon maaf lahir dan batin". Or in arabic language that familiar sound "Taqabalallahu minna wa minkum, shiyamana wa shiyamukum"
Hmmm what we do after that?? We can eat some cake and drink marshmallow, sweeten cake, snow white cake, cocochip, red velvet, bolu, rainbow cake and other

"Angpau" (money gift to child)

"Angpau" (money gift to child)
When Idul fitri comes we have tradition to visit each others to say forgive with family, relatives and neighbour. Inthis occasion an old people usally give money to little child to show grant whenever they can finish fasting a month.
Angpau is a name that get from chinese tradition to give money in imlek celebration. we can give in small nominal or big account.
Fire Works
In holy month ramadhan and idul fitri you can find a seller of fire work "petasan" and "mercoon" in every part from sabang till merauke. this tradition is sometimes dangerous coz it can hurt by it's explotion.
Mudik is kind of tradition Idul fitri of Muslim in south east asia. This tradition is come from basically root moral to celebrate holy day "idul fitr" with family in your parents home. So when ramadhan will finish in H-7 yu'll find traffic jam in every where. All ticket of bus, train, plane will full booked and the price is o more expensive.
Mudik is similarities you go back to village to your parents home to celebrate Idul Fitr. So in Idul fitri day you'll find big city as Surabaya, Jakart, Medan and Makassar more quite than days before cause the people go back to their village.
This kind of tradition is come from prophet s.a. say that we are ordered to use our best clothes, dress in holy day "Idul Fitr".
So in idul fitr we can find all store, factory outlet give discount in this peak seson. I 'll like to buy before idul fitr comes cause it'll easy to buy something than in this D Day :"D
Happy holy ramadhan "Marhaban ya Ramadhan" and Happy Idul Fitr "Id mubarak" 1433 H
Happy holy ramadhan "Marhaban ya Ramadhan" and Happy Idul Fitr "Id mubarak" 1433 H
Selamat idul fitri 1433 H taqabalalllahu minna wa minkum shiyamana washiyamukum kulluhum bi khair. ^_^
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