Marhaban ya ramadhan.,
Today we celebrate ramadhan 1433 H or in July 2012. What's ramadhan??
It's a basic faith for muslim to have fast for a day a lot of pray, shalah n read holy quran. Cause this month is holy month for all muslim in every part of world. We listen to Islamic lectures and refrain from hunger and thirst of the passions and bad behavior. We do some ifthar (eat at maghrib time) and sahur (eat before subuh prayer time).
Here some of poster and article that can we do in ramadhan :
It's a basic faith for muslim to have fast for a day a lot of pray, shalah n read holy quran. Cause this month is holy month for all muslim in every part of world. We listen to Islamic lectures and refrain from hunger and thirst of the passions and bad behavior. We do some ifthar (eat at maghrib time) and sahur (eat before subuh prayer time).
Here some of poster and article that can we do in ramadhan :

( Ayat 183 – 188 ). يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم
This is the order from Allah SWT for us to have fasting in ramadhan to make us become mukmin..
This is the daily ramadhan check list
Here that girls and boy can do in ramadhan :D
So this 2012 in 4th day of shaum ramadhan i just wanna say marhaban ya ramadhan have a nice fasting :D 1433H Marhaban ya Ramadhan ... >.<
This is the order from Allah SWT for us to have fasting in ramadhan to make us become mukmin..

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