Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

75 Big sins in Islam

Hello every one. This month ramadhan 1433 H will come, so lets study about our religion. Here big list of sins in Islam (Al-KaBaa-ir) (According to Imam Adh-Dzahabi)

Great sin to-1: associating partners with Allah in belive to worship, pray, help, etc (shirk Beliefs and do)

Great sin to-2: Killing another person

Great sin to-3: Performing magic, witchcraft, vodoo and asociating with magic and satanic rites

Great sin to-4: Leaving the prayer intentionally 5 times a day, without reason that permitted (udzur syar'i)

Great sin to-5: Refusing to pay zakat

Great sin to-6: lawless and unobey to both parents, make them sad cause our bad attitude

Great sin to-7: Eating the treasure from the usury or get income from the bank benefit riba

Great sin to-8: Eating from orphans right (money, things and others)

Great sin to-9: Lying in the name of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam (Create and disseminate false hadith)

Great sin to-10: Breaking in the daytime during Ramadan without reason that permitted udzur or rukhshah

Great sin to-11: Running away from jihad was going

Great sin to-12: Doing adultery, as doing sex before married and he himself sins stratified

Great sin to-13: Ruler of treason against the people

Great sin to-14: Drinking The wine (liquor / intoxicants) all alcoholic things my be though not to get drunk

Great sin to-15: Be proud, proud of myself, and admire the self-

Great sin to-16: Giving false testimony

Great sin to-17: behave and do homosexuals (liwath)

Great sin to-18: Accusing her of the good mukminah charges of adultery (qadzf)

Great sin to-19: Hide (steal) the spoils of war

Great sin to-20: Taking someone else's property is vanity

Great sin to-21: Stealing

Great sin to-22: Rob and her robber or merompak

To-23 big sins: false oath

Great sin to-24: Deliberately lying

Great sin to-25: Doing suicide, and this includes most of the major sins

Great sin to-26: Judge who cheat

Great sin to-27: A man who silenced unfaithful wife or her family act, prevailing stigma, and do not profanity (dayyuts)

Great sin to-28: Women who look and behave like a man or men who look and behave like a lady

Great sin to-29: Men muhallil, namely a married woman who has been divorced three by her ex-husband, with the direct intention of divorcing her back, as agreed, to be married again by his old husband, as did the old man who told him that muhallil

Great sin to-30: Eating carrion, blood, and pork

Great sin to-31: No purification after urination

Great sin to-32: Take a tribute from the merchants and the like, including illegal levies.

To-33 big sins: Do riya ', or a charity show

To-34 big sin: treason or betraying the mandate

Great sin to-35: Demand for the pursuit of pure science of religion worldly interests, so the attitude of science deliberately concealed from the people who need it

To-36 big sins: Like to bring up the provision

To-37 big sin: Denying fate

Great sin to-38: Steal others hear confidential

To-39 big sins: Like curse and revile

Great sin to-40: Betraying the leader

Great sin to-41: Justifying healer, astrologer, psychic, and the like

Great sin to-42: Women who rebel against her husband

Great sin to-43: Deciding rope friendship ties

To-44 big sins: Author sculptures and drawings animate beings

To-45 big sins: Like slander (namimah)

To-46 big sin: mourn deceased (niyahah)

Great sin to-47: Denouncing nasab (offspring), lower rates, and such

To-48 big sins: Do wrong doers to fellow creatures of God

To-49 big sin: the priest who rebelled against the legitimate syar'i to take up arms, and mengkafirkan fellow Muslims who committed major sins. Both of which are major deviations firqah Khawarij.

To-50 big sin: Hurting and insulting fellow Muslims

To-51 big sin: Hurting and hostile to the trustees of God

Great sin to-52: Men who wear underneath lengthen to below the ankle (isbal) because of his arrogant

Great sin to-53: Men who wear silk and gold

Great sin to-54: Slaves who escaped from his master

To-55 big sins: Slaughtering of animals slaughtered to be offered to other than Allah

Great sin to-56: Changing the boundaries of land, by seizing the rights of others

Great sin to-57: Denouncing the friends of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam

Great sin to-58: Denouncing the Helpers are specifically

Great sin to-59: call to error or bad deeds pioneered (make the "Sunnah" is bad)

Great sin to-60: Women who connect her hair, a tattoo on his body, and make changes to parts of the body in order to make it more beautiful and such

To-61 big sins: Threatened and hold up his brother (fellow Muslims) with a weapon

To-62 big sins: attribute themselves to other than his real father

To-63 big sins: Thiyarah / Tathayyur, which means believing that there is bad luck, associated certain things are not syar'i, or illogical.

Great sin to-64: Eat and drink of the plates and glasses made of gold or silver

Great sin to-65: Doing sophist (arguing to win a victory)

To-66 big sins: castrating, torturing, and maiming a slave / slave

To-67 big sins: Applies cheating in weights and measure

Great sin to-68: Feeling safe from prosecution and punishment of God

To-69 big sins: despair of the mercy of Allah

To-70 big sins: To deny the good people who have done good to him

Great sin to-71: Refusing deliberately to provide excess water to neighboring fields

To-72 big sins: Create cap and hit on the face of the beast

Great sin to-73: Gambling

Great sin to-74: Doing crime (murder and the like) in the Holy Land

To-75 big sins: deliberately leaving Friday prayers without udzur syar'i

Great sin to-76: Spying on fellow Muslims and unlock the secrets of weakness to the enemy of Muslims

* Summarized from the book Al-Kabaa-ir wa al-Mahaarim Tabyiin Imam Adh-Dzahabi work.

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