Bromo have some special place, this place called "Whisper sands (Pasir berbisik)". It's name comes from the title of film that published in indonesia.You can feel the sea of black sand and the wishper of winds, beyond the black sand... whuzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wanna go to the top of bromo mount...? it's easy you can rent the house that is not too expensive. you will look like a hero for a while. Luckily we can saw the horse race when we visited the bromo mount las t year. It's unique great and exotic exhibition.

On the top you can see the Bromo crater that smell as sulfur or look like a bad egg. This place is so sharp land and be carefull at the mouth of crater. You can buy some merchendise as edelwise flower and etc.

Hoammm... it's so tired for us to climb up this stairs. this stairs is almost hundred and it's usually called "Hundred stairs or 100 tangga". Try to see the beutifull view from this stairs

We get a picture in "teletubies valley" it's quiet green and so unbeliveable valley. The view are bright blue sky, green fresh grass and calm quite place without wind. can you feel how it's look like.

So let's come to Indonesia, and Get Lost in Indonesia that full of beautifull and extraordinary tourism that 'll never get before. Bromo mount, east java Malang city. Syah agha chilmy khan trip.
link yang laen nih/ another link to trip to the bromo mount
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