(Seekor burung betina terbaring lunglai dengan kondisi tubuh yang cukup parah)

The males bird, bring food to the female with the love and emotion
(Burung pasangannya datang membawa makanan untuk menyuapinya dengan penuh cinta dan kasih sayang)

When the male was feeding him, not long after that, the female die and droop down. The male was unbelive about it and tried to lift it
(Ketika burung yang jantan sedang menyuapi, tiba2 sang betina jatuh terkulai dan meninggal. Burung yang jantan tidak percaya dan mencoba mengangkat burung betina)

The male bird finally realizes that his beloved spouse has died. He then "crying" in front of a beloved part
Burung jantan akhirnya sadar bahwa pasangannya telah tiada, kemudian dia menangis dihadapan pasangan yang dicintainya

Standing beside the body of the bird is female, the male then "shout" in a voice that is very sad.
Disisi jasad burung betina sang jantan berteriak dengan lantang dengan kicauan sedih

Finally, the male bird to realize that his beloved spouse has left and will not be able to live again with him
He stood beside the body of the female with profound sadness and grief.
Akhirnya sang jantan sadar bahwa belahan jiwanya telah pergi untuk selamanya die in peace.
The couple reportedly photographed this bird in a region in the Republic of Ukraine, while the male bird was trying to rescue a female partner. Millions of people in America and Europe shed tears after seeing these photos
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love is like a bird it fly and comes
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