The film begins with the story of a great kung fu warrior, Poo and Mr. Shifu that will hold a big event that gather all kungfu master in the world. Even 5 greatest kung fu masters in China, The Furious Four with Po as the kungfu wariors it will possible became spectaculer event.
One day at holiday, Master Shifu require Poo to be a host in a gathering master that will hold in the Mr.Shifu palace . Poo is trusted to be a host in that ceremonial occassion by Mr.Shifu. Poo believe that he can make this ceremonial can be successfull and he can shows his ability. In the other hand Poo’s father feel disapointed cause this holiday poo must go outside to hold ceremony of grand master.
Poo try so hard to make this event become spectaculer and great but he also try to take a permit from his father. At the first step Poo try with chooe the best chef that can make the best dish that will be served. But poo still have a guilty feel to his father. So he thinks how to make sure his father to spend this holiday together with him. Poo offers his father to join in that’s event but he refuses that official offer. Poo has tried giving his father gold medal of spoon (a medalion for a best chef) but it’s useless. Poo’s father think that he must cook and serve all people in the holiday to make others happily and make them never feel alone. So he refuse it.
Poo feel guilty but he must optimaize this job to finish this task and make the events become great and spectaculler event. He try cook, fitting the costume bulid on some spectaculer artifical and another thing. But it’s useless, he just make all burn, broke and unusefull in everywhere. Finally a fur rabbit advice him to finish all of his problem with kungfu. He think that kungfu can finish all everything.
Poo gather all his friend and use their kungfu technic to realize this event. Finally this event is held with spectacular and great. Mr Shifu feel satisfay with Poo’s work and other fourious fou. They have make this event become special. Poo does’nt feel comfort and he feel guilty to his father because he doesn’t at home in the holiday. He take an apologizes and thanks to all audince in that event. He take a permission because he must left this event soon.
Finally Poo comes at the right time. He help his father to serve his friends, relative and family in that holiday. All of the people come to the Poo Cafe. All of Kung fu master , the fourious four and Mr.Shifu also come to celebrate holiday together.
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