English Task Nine Type of Paragraph
1. Narrative
At the end year of 2000, was historical day for a group of young boy. They were Andri Darwis and his friends. A group of Indonesian boy that lived in United States. They were studied in the Senior High school of Tenesse. As a group of young Indonesian boy they had together activity until they got in the University. Some times they felt some homesick of Indonesia when they played together. It cause they felt far away from their friends, comunity and their relative in Indonesia.
One day they decided to make a web. They thought, it would gathered Indonesian people to joined their web group. The web’s name was KasKus. The Acronim from the word “Kasak” and “Kusuk”.
At the first time it just for hobby for them to talked each other with Indonesian by this web. They used it to reduced their home sick of Indonesia. Every month the visitor rised up. They felt so happy and added some fitur and forum in this web to make the visitor felt comfort.
Three years later this web really had thousand member, so it needed maintenance and bigger capacity of web server. So they used personal fund to make this web survive. It was so hard for them to bought some web server to increased of the capacity every month. It needed milion dollar of cost. So they thought about make this web comercially. They needed a sponshorship, comerciall advertisement and make yheir own firm.
And now this web has 2.5 millioon user active and 3.3 trillion article n forum.
2. Descriptive
It is a nicely thing to browsing internet. When you type “http://www.kaskus.us” in search bar of mozilla firefox or internet explorer. You will find the web page with the big head title of “Kaskus”. The title has special colour blue and orange. “Kas” word has blue glow of font colour and “Kus” word has orange glow of font colour. Kaskus has icon of blue little man as smile icon that located near the head title. This icon has name Mimin and Momod. “Momod” for male icon and blue ones. “Mimin ” for female icon and pink ones. Momod are often appear near the head title.
In the first page you will find a home page that has a pastel and brown colour. At the below the head title and Momod icon you will see the main bar. The main bar contain of search folder, domain folder and advertisement bar. Above the Advertisement space bar there is a little bar that sperate the table article and , the main table above. There are little kind of colourful icon that have title of Forum, Lounge, news and politics, jual beli, jokes etc. It show the forum that will choose by kaskus member or “Kaskuser”.
You can posting some thread when you have join kaskus. When you post some article the other also can comment and give salute to your article with adding some “cendol” and it will appear as green point.
3. Expository
Kaskus is once of social network and the url of web page www.Kaskus.us. This web is builded by Andrew Darwis and friends start from 6 November 2000, and actife status from 2001. This web is typically comercially web and using indonesian language as main language. This Kaskus is owned by PT. Darta Media Indonesia that publish from 6 November 2000. The amount of kaskus user is up to 2.5 million and have 3million page of article.
4. Persuasive/ Argumentative
Kaskus is a once of largest network s in Indonesia. Kaskus also has influence economic, education and social movement for a lot of people. The lounge forum has support social network and share interesting artikel. “Forum Jual Beli” or “Purcahing Forum” supporting the memmber to sell or buy something. You can afford cheaper price than in the market or another web with special bargain.The “Jokes Forum”is a place for sharing jokes article from a lot of source. This jokes Forum is more unique forum than other cos alot of people can add some jokes too.
A lot of benefit that will be get by the member when they follow kaskus. They can meet alot of people get a knowledge of some thing and share bussines. The most interesting part is lounge forum. It has million of uniqe, strange and very extra ordinary article that will make the reader feel very interest to this forum.
The forum of hobbies are full of great idea about hobbies. The hobbies are acomodate all you want. If you are not acomodate you also can make a tranding topic and you can be a trend setter.
5. Definition Objective
Kaskus is a nicely web that publish some article and another popular news. This web is design with blue, orange and blue design. Kaskus has a million member. Kaskus has some icons that’s funny smile such as Mimin, Momodetc. It also has some kind of article such as news, politics, forum and anothers. Kaskus has trilliun of members and million of article.
Kaskus has profit until 2.5 million rupiahs every month and it has a lot of advertisement. Now Kaskus become one of big ten profitable web company in the world.
6. Definition Impresionistic
Kaskus is a very nicely web that publish some extraordinary article and another popular news. This web is design with blue bright, orange and blue design. Kaskus has a million member. Kaskus has some icons that’s funny smile such as Mimin, Momodetc. It also has some kind of article such as news, politics, forum and anothers. Kaskus has trilliun of members and million of article.
Kaskus has profit until 2.5 million rupiahs every month and it has a lot of advertisement. Now Kaskus become one of big ten profitable web company in the world.
Description Comparasion/ Contrast
Kaskus is a once of largest community in Indonesia that has a lot of mass as much as facebook and twitter. Kakus has a better articel than facebook or twitter. In twitter or facebook we just can search short and simple note or article but we can find a lot of articel are uploaded by kaskuser in kaskus. The article contain healthy , economic, traveling, jokes and lot of nice articels.
It is not always better to use kaskus than twitter or face book when you want to chat with some one. In kaskus it just post coment and private massage. But in Twitter we can get the updated news and in the facebook we can privately chat wit some one.
7. Process Analysis
Kaskus as network social is so famous for Indonesian people. It is easy steps when you want to join or follow this social web networking. If you just want to look out or find some thing that make you interest about article and etc. You can acces with type http://www.kaskus.us. Next you can go the search bar and type some clue for your things. If you are not a kaskus member you just can look around this web and you can not post comment or some thing.
When you want to join kaskus you must klick on the “Daftar” icon above the login bar. Next you must type your ID, mail, password etc. You can add some uniqe or your real photo. It is not forbid when you use fake name or “Alay ” name in kaskus. After you varified the instruction by open massage in your mail. You can open your favourit forum. Lounge for interest, unique and extraordinary articel that full of the wonder in the world article. You can choose it by your hobbies. It can be travelling, computer, Dp (Dirt picture), Joke, design, lifestyle etc.
When you want post some thing you can klick on the icon “New Thread” at the left corner af the bar article in your forum. Next you can write everything and adding some picture or icon, flash movie and video. When you make a thread you must know the rule that use by kaskus or your forum. The first rule it does not contain of “SARA” (Suku Agama Ras) that can make a conflict. The second you must make your article neat, educational and does not copy from another page .If you have copied another page you must add the source.
Now you have an article, You are called TS (Trend setter/ topic Setter). Some times the forum hve own language that must know by the kaskuser when we want post or making a thread. For the example : Pejwan (Page one), Pertamax (First), Repsol (Repost), Afgan (too cheaper when bargain some goods), Rosa (worse than afgan) etc.
8. Cause and effect
Kaskus as network social has a imprortant posision for indonesian people. Some seller product follow kaskus to cut their advertisement cost. And some buyer follow kaskus to get cheaper and best quality of product without going to the market. Kaskus also make the seller from another place can make a market without open a store. Kaskus also make the seller closer to the buyer in every place. product The Selling or buying some product are the example of economic effect.
The education effect is showed by this following example:
1. We can find distinguish, interesting and extraordinary article that can support our knowledge
2. We also can share our knowledge of cooking, computer, art, design and etc by share the article
The politic or social movement influence people to gather their voice in one movement. For the example the gathering to support Indonesian football, the support for disaster in Indonesia and another kind of movement.
1 komentar:
from this type paragraph i get the theme about "kaskus".
We can find and analyze some of characteristic of narative, descriptive, argumentative and all by following above paragraph
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