Hari ini adalah hari-hari bersejarah dalam hidup saya selama 4.5 tahun atau 9 semester, menempuh pendidikan di kampus tercinta di Institut Teknologi Telkom. Berlokasi di daerah Daeyuh Kolot di kawasan Bandung Selatan, kampus biru muda ini telah memberikan banyak inspirasi , motivasi dan berbagai macam pengaruh pada kehidupan saya.
Akhirnya setelah mempersiapkan semuanya, Sabtu 31 maret 2012 secara resmi saya telah siap menyandang gelar Sarjana Teknik dan berkarir di dunia luar di bidang ICT dan telekomunikasi sebagai seorang engineer of telecomunication. Hmmpf ... cukup berat tapi hidup harus terus diperjuangkan.
Pagi-pagi buta saya sudah mandi, mengenakan baju rapi. Pasangan jas dan celana hitam, jemeja putih dan dasi berwarna merah maroon mengkilat. Sippp semua persiapan sudah beres. Bersama ayah dan adik tercinta saya datang menhadiri wisuda dan reuni Akbar ITTelkom.
Acara dimulai pukul 08.00 pagi, namun kami sudah diharuskan berkumpul di lapangan futsal dekat gedung E mulai pukul 07.00. Tegang, gugup dan sedikit rasa galau.
"Teman2 pada kemana ya?" Padahal jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 06.45 namun beberapa teman-teman yang saya kenal belum menampakkan batang hidungnya satupun. Sayapun mencoba baju toga, jas dan merapikannya, hmm udara panas menyeruak membuat keringat mulai merembes ke baju. "Haduuu.. panas2 ga kuat..", apalagi ditambah dengan model baju toga yang kebesaran dan kurang pas di tubuh membuat tubuh saya tampak seperti anak TK/ play group yang akan diwisuda.
"Teman2 pada kemana ya?" Padahal jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 06.45 namun beberapa teman-teman yang saya kenal belum menampakkan batang hidungnya satupun. Sayapun mencoba baju toga, jas dan merapikannya, hmm udara panas menyeruak membuat keringat mulai merembes ke baju. "Haduuu.. panas2 ga kuat..", apalagi ditambah dengan model baju toga yang kebesaran dan kurang pas di tubuh membuat tubuh saya tampak seperti anak TK/ play group yang akan diwisuda.
Selang beberapa saat kemudian datanglah beberapa teman dan sahabat saya. "Huff akhirnya datang juga nih anak2 ..." ada nenek (Nuri), Rifky, Mas Anjas, Xin2 atau Mulyono Hidajad, Indra Nurpratama, Akhmad Fandia... duh si Fajry ma si Kakak (Kak Putra Agus Setyawan) kemana nih???
Saya pun mulai bertanya-tanya dalam hati. Geng ngocol dimana ya? kok belum menampakkan batang hidungnya. Endah Ayuning Wulan, Tika Larasati, Addrian juga belum datang hanya si Agus Anugrah yang sudah datang.
Today is my historic day in all of my life for 4.5 years or 9 semesters of study on campus at Institut Teknologi Telkom university beloved. Located in Daeyuh Kolot in South Bandung area part of West Java province.My blue campus has provided much inspiration, motivation and a wide range of influences for much of students from 33 province in Indonesia and for my life.
Finally, after prepare everything. Saturday 31 March 2012, I was ready come to officially hold the title of Bachelor of Engineering and Telecomunication. Today, i have ready to fight in real world outside in ICT career and telecommunications as a Telecommunications engineer. Hmmpf feel so tough, but life must continue to struggle on and go on.. .
In the early morning, I take shower, dress neatly. Prepare for my Blazzer and pair of black pants, white shirt and maroon shiny red tie. Sippp, all the preparation was already. Together with my beloved father and sister, we come to the largest event in my university, The reunion and officially ITTelkom graduation.The event starts at 08.00 a.m. but we are required to gather at the futsal field near the E building start at 07.00. a.m. At the first it felt so nervous and a bit of confuse and make me so feel less unconfidence. "Where is my friends?" my whispere. It show about 6:45, but some of my friends who I know havn't show any sign. I try to wear toga hat but it's make sweater tahn before and it began to seep into my clothes.
In the early morning, I take shower, dress neatly. Prepare for my Blazzer and pair of black pants, white shirt and maroon shiny red tie. Sippp, all the preparation was already. Together with my beloved father and sister, we come to the largest event in my university, The reunion and officially ITTelkom graduation.The event starts at 08.00 a.m. but we are required to gather at the futsal field near the E building start at 07.00. a.m. At the first it felt so nervous and a bit of confuse and make me so feel less unconfidence. "Where is my friends?" my whispere. It show about 6:45, but some of my friends who I know havn't show any sign. I try to wear toga hat but it's make sweater tahn before and it began to seep into my clothes.
"Euuu, it's feel so hot " especially double covered with an oversized toga dress model. And the worse toga coat less fit in my body and make me look like a kindergarten / play group students. Oh No..... :c
A few moments later some of my friend come. "Huff finally they arrived ,....". There are grandmother (it's just a nick name the real name is Nuri), Rifky, Mas Anjas, Xin2 or Mulyono Hidajad, IndraNurpratama, Akhmad Fandia ...
A few moments later some of my friend come. "Huff finally they arrived ,....". There are grandmother (it's just a nick name the real name is Nuri), Rifky, Mas Anjas, Xin2 or Mulyono Hidajad, IndraNurpratama, Akhmad Fandia ...
Wondered to myself. The gang also has not appeared yet. My joke gang Endah ayuning Wulan, Tika Larasati, Addrian has not come yet too. Where are they?? in my mind. just Agus which has come. hmmm
Ini adalah pose foto ketika menunggu kedatangan teman-teman sebelum proses wisuda akbar dimulai. Hmm terlihat jelas baju dan toga yang saya gunakan terlalu besar tapi tak apalah. Beberapa teman juga telah tampak mengambil dokumentasi sebelum acara wisuda berlangsung.
This is a photo pose while awaiting the arrival of friends before the graduation ceremony begin. Hmm looks clear and toga dress that I used too much but never mind. Some friends alsohave the documentation appears to take place sebeluma to graduation.
Setelah beberapa teman berkumpul, di lapangan futsal pukul 07.00 maka terlihatlah beberapa teman-teman dari program studi Teknik Industri, Teknik Informatika. teknik Elektro, Teknik Komputer dll. Ketika kami datang kami mengambil lencana/ logo yang bertuliskan Institut Teknologi Telkom.
Ini foto si Xin2, berpose sebelum acara wisuda berlangsung, anak ini sedikit panik dan kepanasan. Sejak awal nih anak emang udah heboh banget. Rame dan sudah menggunakan kipas untuk mendinginkan suasana sambil heboh bolak balik.. Xin2.. Sayang teman-teman yang lain belum muncul juga. Nampaknya beberapa teman terjebak kemacetan arus lalu lintas dayuh kolot pagi hari. Ada juga yang terjebak antrian di salon untuk merias wajah dan baju kebaya.
After some of friends gcome, in futsal field at 07.00 p.m. we will prepare for queu in to the GSG building for graduation ceremony event. Some of my friend from major study program in Industrial Engineering, Information Engineering.Electrical engineering, Computer Engineering come looked appear and join in. We took the badge /logo at first to show the icon of Telkom Institute of Technology.
This photo of the Xin2 posing before queu in to the GSG building for graduation ceremony. he look like so freaked out and over heating from early morning. He has been using a fan to cool the atmosphere with a splashy back and forth .. Xin2 .. Unfortunately other friends who have not shown up. It seems that some friends stuck in traffic flow of traffic dayuh kolot or has been trapped queue stuck at the salon for makeup and dress kebaya....
This photo of the Xin2 posing before queu in to the GSG building for graduation ceremony. he look like so freaked out and over heating from early morning. He has been using a fan to cool the atmosphere with a splashy back and forth .. Xin2 .. Unfortunately other friends who have not shown up. It seems that some friends stuck in traffic flow of traffic dayuh kolot or has been trapped queue stuck at the salon for makeup and dress kebaya....
Acara wisuda akbar pun dimulai pukul 08.30. Setelah mengalami penundaan beberapa menit karena adanya keterlambatan pembicara. Sebelum acara dimulai, di dalam GSG tak lupa kami saling mendokumentasikan kegiatan. Diantara anggota genk kami "Warung Tepe" ada beberapa orang yang akan melangsungkan acara wisuda. Maka acara ini tergolong cukup heboh, penting dan sangat seru. Ada Agus Reza (pak boss), nenek (Nuri) dan sya sendiri saya Syah Agha :D serta Fajry.
Lokasi wisuda dilangsungkan disebuah aula yang cukup besar yang biasanya digunakan untuk penyambutan mahasiswa baru, event2 besar dan wisudaan. Kapasitasnya mampu menampung hampir 1600 orang. Di dalam GSG ini lokasi tempat duduk sudah disesuaikan posisinya. Posisi ditengah adalah tempat bagi mahasiswa, mereka duduk berderet sesuai dengan NIM (Nomor Induk Mahasiswa) dan sesuai dengan Program studi. Disamping kanan dan kiri duduk orang tua wali mahasiswa, di bagian kanan depan duduk tamu undangan dan di bagian kiri terdapat team paduan suara. Sedangkan diatas panggung duduk para senat, rektor, dekan, guru besar/ professor yang akan mengesahkan kami menjadi ST (Sarjana Teknik).
The graduation ceremony begins at 08.30 p.m. it's late because of the delay in the commencement speaker begins. Before the event start, we are not forget to document our moment together. Among the members of our gang "Waroeng Tepe" there are some people taht will following this graduation ceremonyas Agus Reza (pack boss), grand mother (Nuri), I am as Syah Agha :D, Fajry and also some other friends.
it's take a location in a large enough hall, that its capacity to accommodate nearly 1600 people. Here the location of the hall. at the centre rows it's located seat for students seated in accordance with the NIM (Student Identification Number) and in accordance with a program of study. Besides the right and left there are seat for the parents of students, at the front right forward are located seat for invitation guests and on the left, there is a stage for choir team. While sitting on the front main stage are the senate, provost, dean, professor / professor who will authorize us to be ST (Bachelor of Engineering).
Acara perhelatan wisuda akbar 31 maret 2012 pun dimulai. Acara dibuka dengan meredupnya lampu-lampu penerang gedung GSG. Setelah itu nampaklah sosok2 yang berjalan dibawah sinar lampu sorot. Seorang demi seorang nampak keluar (para senat, dekan dan profesor) beriringan dengan diiringi oleh beberapa pengawal dari mahasiswa. Para senat dan dekan telah datang maka para hadirin diberikan himbauan secara protokoler untuk menghormati dengan berdiri. Tak lama setelah dewan senat, rektor dan tamu undangan masuk maka acara pun secara resmi siap dibuka. Acara dibuka dengan mengucapkan "Bismillah" dan dentuman Gong.
Tak lama kemudian disusul oleh tamu undangan dan pembicara khusus hadir, beliau adalah wakil gubernur jawa barat Bpk. Macan yusuf effendy. Beliau adalah mantan artis di televisi nasional Indonesia yang telah beralih profesi sebagai politikus dan didaulat menjadi wakil gubernur Jawa Barat.
Acara pun berlangsung hikmad, seru dan bersemangat. Secara umum berlangsungnya acara dimulai dengan urutan sebagai berikut:
- Dewan senat masuk (Hadirin dimohon berdiri)
- Pembukaan kegiatan wisuda akbar oleh bapak rektor ITTelkom Ahmad Tri Hanuranto.
- Menyanyikan lagu Indonesia raya
- Pembukaan dengan doa , lagu2 nasional lain yang saya lupa heheh *_*
- Mengheningkan cipta dan berdoa dipimpin oleh bapak rektor
- Pembukaan sepatah dua patah kata dari bapak rektor
- Ceramah dari bapak wakil gubernur Jawa Barat Bpk. Yusuf effendy
- Penyerahan ijazah dan penyematan simbolis pada toga
- Penanda tanaganan MoU antara pihak ITTelkom university dengan Pemkab Bandung dan beberapa perusahaan nasional
- Pengarahan dan sambutan dari Bpk. Joni Girsang wakil dari PT. Telkom
Theopening graduation start, and the lights of the room lights dimmed for a while. Some of the figure appear under the highlights. One by one Senat, dean, professor who came out accompanied by several bodyguards. The senate and dean of the audience had come then given a protocol calls for respect by standing. Shortly after the board of the senate, the chancellor entered the invited guests entered. The event oppened by gong sound and bismillah. Then the invitation guests and speakers from vice governor of West Java Mr. Yusuf Macan Effendy. He was an artist on national television and today he has turned be as a professional in politician and was asked to be deputy governor of West Java.
The event going with anthutiastic and it took place in the following order:
- Board of incoming Senate (Audience please stand)
- Opening of the graduation activities by the father rector ITTelkom akbar Ahmad TriHanuranto.
- Singing Indonesia highway
- Opening with a prayer, national lagu2 else I forgot heheh * _ *
- Silence and prayer led by the father rector
- Opening a few words from the father rector
- Talk of the father of West Java deputy governor Mr. Effendy Yusuf
- Delivery of diplomas and on toga symbolic embedding
- Markers tanaganan ITTelkom MoU between the university with Bandung regency andseveral national companies
- Briefing and welcome from Mr.. Joni Girsang representative of PT. Telkom
The event going with anthutiastic and it took place in the following order:
- Board of incoming Senate (Audience please stand)
- Opening of the graduation activities by the father rector ITTelkom akbar Ahmad TriHanuranto.
- Singing Indonesia highway
- Opening with a prayer, national lagu2 else I forgot heheh * _ *
- Silence and prayer led by the father rector
- Opening a few words from the father rector
- Talk of the father of West Java deputy governor Mr. Effendy Yusuf
- Delivery of diplomas and on toga symbolic embedding
- Markers tanaganan ITTelkom MoU between the university with Bandung regency andseveral national companies
- Briefing and welcome from Mr.. Joni Girsang representative of PT. Telkom
Setelah itu kegiatan masih dilanjutkan dengan:
- Pemberian pengantar dari perwakilan mahasiswa berprestasi kalau tidak salah waktu itu sebagai pembicaranya Anggun Meka (Salah satu finalis di Microsoft competition di Imagine Cup)
- Pemberian pengantar dari perwakilan orantua wali mahasiswa
- Ucapan simbolis terima kasih kepada orang tua mahasiswa (acara yang banyak menguras air mata menangis nih)
- performa dari teman-teman PSM (Paduan Suara Mahasiswa)
-Performa dari Band Akustik
- Penutupan oleh Rektor dan Senat
Dan acara wisuda akbar pun selesai pukul 12.40.. suasana sangat ramai hiruk piku semua mahasiswa dan orang tua wali mahasiswa menjadi satu. Semua saling berbagi bahagia dan mengucapkan selamat.
After the activity was followed by:
- Provision of introduction of student achievement that are not representative of any ofthat time as speaker Anggun Meka (One of the finalists in Microsoft's Imagine Cupcompetition in)
- Provision of a representative parent's introduction of a student guardian
- Speech symbolic thank you to the parents of students (the show that many tear-cry nih)
- The performance of PSM friends (Student Choir)
Acoustic Performance of Band-
- Closure by the Rector and the Senate
And a grand ceremony was completed at 12:40 .. the atmosphere is very lively hustle and cheek all students and parents guardians of students into one. All share thehappiness and congratulations
- Provision of introduction of student achievement that are not representative of any ofthat time as speaker Anggun Meka (One of the finalists in Microsoft's Imagine Cupcompetition in)
- Provision of a representative parent's introduction of a student guardian
- Speech symbolic thank you to the parents of students (the show that many tear-cry nih)
- The performance of PSM friends (Student Choir)
Acoustic Performance of Band-
- Closure by the Rector and the Senate
And a grand ceremony was completed at 12:40 .. the atmosphere is very lively hustle and cheek all students and parents guardians of students into one. All share thehappiness and congratulations
Dokumentasi ketika bapak rektor Ir. ahmad Tri Hanuranto memeberikan nasihat, pesan dan wejangan kepada seluruh mahasiswa angakatan 2006, 2007, 2008 yang diwisuda pada 31 Maret 2012 ini. Semua tampak galau dan mendengarkan penuh antusias.
Acara ini disiarkan secara live ke seluruh penjuru kampus dengan berbagai Monitor LCD yang telah ada di seluruh penjuru kampus. Jadi keluarga mahasiswa yang tak bisa masuk aula bisa menyaksikan acara dari luar aula.
This pict is documentation when the rector of ITTelkom University Ir. ahmad Tri Hanuranto give advice, messages and exhortations to all graduation students 2006, 2007, 2008, which were inaugurated on March 31, 2012 this. All seemed upset and listened intently.
The event was broadcast live to all corners of the campus with a range of LCD monitors that have been there all over the campus. So the families of students who can not enter theGSG building can watch the event from outside the hall.
The event was broadcast live to all corners of the campus with a range of LCD monitors that have been there all over the campus. So the families of students who can not enter theGSG building can watch the event from outside the hall.
Bapak dede yusuf menyampaikan ceramah mengenai pentingnya posisi Ittelkom dan peranan mahasiswanya dalam rangka mendukung program pemerintah menjadikan jawa barat khususnya Bandung menjadi Cyber city atau kota IT.
Bapak dede yusuf mengajak para mahasiswa ITTelkom yang berasal dari sabang sampai merauke terus berupaya membangun generasi di bidang informasi dan teknologi, bukan hanya sebagai pengguna namun juga sebagai pengembang dan produsen IT.
Mr. dede yusuf give speech on the importance of the position and role of Ittelkom students in order to support government programs, especially Bandung West Java to be a Cyber city or town of IT.
Mr. dede yusuf ITTelkom invites students from Sabang to Merauke continue to build generation in the field of information and technology, not only as users but also as a developer and manufacturer of IT.
Mr. dede yusuf ITTelkom invites students from Sabang to Merauke continue to build generation in the field of information and technology, not only as users but also as a developer and manufacturer of IT.
Penutupan sidang oleh dewan senat ITTelkom..
alhamdulillah selesai juga program wisuda 440 orang mahasiswa dari 9 program studi S1, D3 dan S2. Saatnya melakukan dokumentasi kegiatan dan berfoto bersama keluarga sanak saudara dan keluarga.
"Babe, babe gw dimana???" panik karena ayah saya, tidak bisa dihubungi dan saya sudah berjanji hendak berfoto bersama dengan ayah dan adik saya juga.
Acara selanjutnya dilakukan arak-arakan dari GSG menuju gedung fakultas Elekyro dan Komunikasi, selain itudilakukan pemberian nasihat oleh bapak Koresianto Utsman selaku ketua prodi TT dan persembahan dari adik-adik Prodi Teknik Telekomunikasi
The closing session of the senate council ITTelkom ..
alhamdulillah graduation ceremony has been completed 440 students from 9 programs of study S1, S2 and D3. Time to take the documentation of activities and pictures with family and relatives.
"My father where is he?" panic because my father could not be reached and I've promisedabout taking pictures together with my father and brother as well.
The next event conducted the procession of faculty Elekyro GSG towards building and communication, in addition to advising held by Mr. Koresianto Uthman, as a major chief of program study. He is the chairman of the TT and the dedication of head of major study Telecommunication Engineering program.
alhamdulillah graduation ceremony has been completed 440 students from 9 programs of study S1, S2 and D3. Time to take the documentation of activities and pictures with family and relatives.
"My father where is he?" panic because my father could not be reached and I've promisedabout taking pictures together with my father and brother as well.
The next event conducted the procession of faculty Elekyro GSG towards building and communication, in addition to advising held by Mr. Koresianto Uthman, as a major chief of program study. He is the chairman of the TT and the dedication of head of major study Telecommunication Engineering program.

Berpose bersama teman-teman seperjuangan dalam melaksanakan tugas akhir dll. Rifky, nenek (nuri) dan saya. Ini yang motoin bapaknya rifky. Beberapa teman dari warung Tepe juga tampak hadir seperti Okta, Wahyu, Nailai namun agak telat, Alfadin dll. terima kasih teman-teman atas support dan doanya serta bantuan selama rempong Tugas Akhir selama tiga bulan terakhir ini.
Selain itu tidak lupa berpose bersama teman-teman seperjuangan di Lazis Syamsul Ulum. Ada tiga orang yang diwisuda dari Lazis Syamsul Ulum yaitu Deby faradiba zaldy, rifky dan saya. Sungguh pengalaman organisasi kekeluargaan yang takakan saya lupa selama saya hidup. Semnagat teman-teman
Also do not forget to pose with friends in LAZIS Syamsul Ulum arms. There are three people who graduated from the Deby LAZIS Syamsul Ulum faradiba Zaldy, Rifky and me.It was the experience of family organization which takakan I forget as long as I live.Semnagat friends
Berpose diatas saya, irfan '11, rifky, dimas '10 dan kiky '10. Terima kasih teman teman atas support doa, dokumentasi bantuan dan tenaganya. Semoga teman-teman bisa segera menyusul segera... :D
I posed above, irfan '11, Rifky, dimas kiky '10 and '10. Thank you friends for prayersupport, documentation support and strength. Hopefully my friends could soon follow soon ... : D
Sungguh sebuah syukur, kebanggan besar saya telah berhasil menyelesaikan program studi S1Teknik telekomunikasi di Institut Teknologi Telkom. Susah senang, mudah susah tawa dan air mata telah mengiringi saya selama 4.5 tahun ini
It was a thanks giving, great pride. I have successfully completed a half course of study at the Institute of Technology S1 Tecnic of Telecomunication. Hard, love, easy, laughter and tears have accompanied me for 4.5 years
Thanks for all friends, relative, teacher and all civitas academic in ITTelkom
Terima kasih ayah, ibu (meski beliau tidak bisa hadir) atas semua pengorbanansupport doa, tenaga, dan segala sesuatu yang telah ayah dan ibu berikan pada kami. Mohon selalu agar kami bisa menjadi generasi yang terbaik menjadi putra-putri yang membanggakan. Mohon doa selalu ayah dan ibu
Thank you father, mother (although he could not attend) for all sacrifice to support me. All of pray, power, and everything that has been father and mother gave us. We are always so that we can be the best generation of sons and daughters to be proud. We are always praying for our moms and dads
Foto bersama Dek salma DCMA., pisss hahahahhah
get apict with my lill sista.. piss smile... klik
Terima kasih teman teman atas bunga yang telah teman-teman bagikan kepada kami. Persahabatan support doa dan kepedulian kalian adalah hal terindah lebih dari bunga, harta dan seglanya.
Jika tua nanti kita telah hidup masing-masing ingatlah hari ini...
T.T miss you so bad all of my friends
Akhirnya secara resmi selesai status saya sebagai mahasiswa dan harus mencari kerja
bismillah ganbatte!!! semangat kita pasti bisa :D
Thanks to all best of my friends who have shared live, study and all of study in ITTelkom with me.
Friendship and concern of your prayer and support is more beautiful than flowers, treasure and everything.
T.T I miss you so bad guys and all of my friends
Finally officially i had finished my status as a student and had to seek to be employment and engineer of telecomunication
ganbatte bismillah! keep spirit i'm certainly sure we can :D
2 komentar:
helloo chilmy selamet yach dah wisuda,,, oia maksud genk ngocol apa itu...hahahahaha
eh si agus....
aya2 wae ngapain nyasar di blog geje nih... hahahahha
ga2, sebutan u geng lucu2an bodoran gitu hahahahah
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