it's not my first ramadhan in 23 years old. Some day ramadhan feel so ordinary when we stay in muslim country. But It will be feel so amazing different sense when we have a fasting ramadhan far away from family, in war situation and when we start to change " it must be best ramdahan than before". Ramadhan a holy month that done once a year, for a month.
Born as muslim, i started shaum or had a fast when i was on the 4th grade of elementary school
At first time i feel that ramadhan is absorb all my energy, coz we are hungry, tired and sweaty.
But actually shaum make me to be honest, stop a lot of talks others, a lot of pray. Shaum or Ramadhan fast is imilar with meditation but our body keep moving and our productivity is same. It's can be anlogyze as our soul pray, keep silent from all bas will and our body keep from a food source of energy so we can control our self more than usual.
Today, i'll feel some thing loose from my soul when i am not doing fasting monday n thursday (shaum senin and khamis) especially ramadhan. I feel my body feel so liar my self as uncontrol and i feel there is unbalance in my body when idon't have fasting. So i recomended fasting for u to therapy for your soul. but we must star with good will for Allah SWT and good methode by follow rasulullah sa methode of fasting.
I always remember something special in every ramadhan
I dont know when it strated??
I dont know when it strated??
But I remember there is a diferent atmosphere and i always seeing the sky when ramadhan start.
I saw a oranye sky, bright noon, or star in the night. it's feel that universe know thi is holy month and all pray to Allah SWT.
I give a sign in my memories every time i started ramadhan. When i get ramadhan in senior high school there are iraq wars and attack to afghanistan and it's began in ramadhan. Palestine ever get attack when it's ramadhan. Egypt demonstration and others it's held in ramadhan
N today, we as indonesian celebrate our freedom in ramadhan. honestly im not too nationalistic, but i loved this country n i can't imagine what will be i am?? if we have a fasting in the war situation.. I love the feel of ngabuburit in ramadhan (go to the market to buy ta'jil opening food for breaking fast in ramadhan).
N today, we as indonesian celebrate our freedom in ramadhan. honestly im not too nationalistic, but i loved this country n i can't imagine what will be i am?? if we have a fasting in the war situation.. I love the feel of ngabuburit in ramadhan (go to the market to buy ta'jil opening food for breaking fast in ramadhan).
All of people, christian hinduism, budhist get involved in ramadhan in indonesia. The people more kindness, the mony get turn so fast, a lot of food for poor, zakat inevery where. there is no violence to non muslim or others.. The actor n actris more polite in dressing, educational and islamic program held in television. All happened in Ramadhan.
If i can pray Ya Allah make all day ramadhan, to get a peace in my country to make a honest more honestly. No corruption, no vulgar things, no violence and all be an angel man.
Hopefully i can get my fast in this ramadhan full till 1 syawal. I hope of my faith can be better and i can be muttaqiin in all my live after ramadhan...
I dont wanna loose this iman in my heart.. Ya Allah guide as in all our live in your straight path (Sirathal mustaqim) and never let us far away from your guidance (Hidayah) amiin...
Marhaban ya ramadhan... 1432 H
It's some of my friend status in ramadhan hopefully we all can be better as we hope and pray in ramadhan.
I dont wanna loose this iman in my heart.. Ya Allah guide as in all our live in your straight path (Sirathal mustaqim) and never let us far away from your guidance (Hidayah) amiin...
Marhaban ya ramadhan... 1432 H
It's some of my friend status in ramadhan hopefully we all can be better as we hope and pray in ramadhan.
"jagalah Allah niscaya Allah menjagamu"
"Mau buka pake apa ya...?, yang pasti dengan yang halal dan barakah"
"Ya Allah mohon kebaikan, doa banyak2 deh di waktu buka mumpung mustajab nih :D (termasuk biar cepet dpt jodo)"
"Jaga mata jaga hati jaga telinga, sms bb n twit jg ya... biar berkah puasanya"
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