I make a resume about man/ women height to show that they have proportional height in their own way coz they had born this way so no matter what you are you can look higher n just belive ur self hight n good atitude n respect to each other add your knowledge you will look higher with little tips below here:
This is a little comparation about human height in Indonesia
height 145 cm :
Women: 46-50 kg (little), 49-55 (medium) 53-59 kg (big)
height 147 cm:
- Women: 46-51 kg (little), 50-56 (medium) 54-61 kg (big)
height 150 cm:
- Women: 47-52 kg (little), 51-57 (medium) 55-62 kg (big)
height 152 cm:
- Women: 48-53 kg (little), 52-58 (medium) 56-63 kg (big)
height155 cm:
-man: 57-60 kg (little), 58-63 (medium) 61-67 kg (big)
- Women: 49-55 kg (little), 53-60 (medium) 58-65 kg (big)
height 157 cm:
- Man: 58-61 kg (little), 59-64 (medium) 62-68 kg (big)
- Women: 50-56 kg (little), 55-61 (medium) 59-66 kg (big)
height 160 cm:
- Man: 59-61 kg (little), 60-65 (medium) 63-70 kg (big)
- Women: 51-57 kg (little), 56-62 (medium) 61-68 kg (big))
height 163 cm:
- Man: 60-62 kg (little), 61-66 (medium) 64-71 kg (big)
- Female: 53-59 kg (little), 57-64 (medium) 62-70 kg (big)
Height 165 cm:
- Men: 61-63 kg (little), 62-67 (medium) 65-73 kg (big)
- Female: 54-60 kg (little), 59-65 (medium) 63-72 kg (big)
Height 168 cm:
- Men: 61-65 kg (small), 63-69 (medium) 66-75 kg (big)
- Female: 56-61 kg (small), 60-66 (medium) 65-74 kg (big)
Height 170 cm:
- Men: 62-66 kg (small), 65-70 (medium) 68-77 kg (big)
- Female: 57-63 kg (small), 61-68 (medium) 66-76 kg (big)
Height 173 cm:
- Men: 63-67 kg (small), 66-71 (medium) 69-79 kg (big)
- Female: 58-64 kg (small), 63-69 (medium) 67-77 kg (big)
Height 175 cm:
- Men: 64-69 kg (small), 67-73 (medium) 71-81 kg (big)
- Female: 60-66 kg (small), 64-71 (medium) 69-78 kg (big)
Height 178 cm:
- Men: 65-70 kg (small), 69-74 (medium) 72-82 kg (big)
- Female: 61-67 kg (small), 66-72 (medium) 70-80 kg (big)
Height 180 cm:
- Men: 66-71 kg (small), 70-76 (medium) 73-84 kg (large)
- Female: 62-68 kg (small), 67-73 (medium) 71-81 kg (large)
Height 183 cm:
- Men: 68-73 kg (small) 71-78 (moderate) 75-86 kg (large)
Height 185 cm:
- Men: 69-75 kg (small) 73-80 (moderate) 77-88 kg (large)
Height 188 cm:
- Men: 71-77 kg (small) 75-81 (moderate) 79-91 kg (large)
Height 190 cm:
- Men: 72-79 kg (small) 76-84 (moderate) 81-93 kg (large)
Stretching exercises 20-30 minutes. proper sleep is essential to relax mind and body
stretch your legs and spine, and you need to do stretching exercises that help you decompress the vertebrae, lengthening the spine.
Swimming reduces lots of tension in the body, and provides excellent stretch to stimulate the body to grow taller
Bar hang and touching toes are also great exercises to gain some height. Vitamins A and D are the most important vitamins that help in bone metabolism, and the adequate daily dose can aid the height gain. It is also important to sleep with the spine in horizontally straight position, and try to sleep without a pillow.
Super stretch
stand, raise your hands high and lean back slightly until you feel the stretch and hold for ten seconds. A good posture helps develop the health of spinal column, preventing backbone deformation and adding extra inches to your height. The best thing about natural methods to gain height is that they do not involve wasting money on inefficient medical procedure and wonder pills. With the help of right exercise, nutrition, posture, and rest, there is a good chance of gaining an inch or two without any unnatural injections or surgeries.
Lunges are To perform a lunge you start in standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing frontwards. Then you want to take a step forward with your right foot and as you do so, lean down with it until your right thigh is parallel with the floor. Hold this position for a count of five and then return to your starting position and repeat with the opposite leg
toe touching exercise. These probably make you reminisce of gym class in high school.
Start in a sitting position and spread your legs apart, then reach down with both hands towards one of your feet. Milk is also essential because the calcium helps build strong, healthy bones which in turn will make you taller.
When you walk, try keeping your head straight, chin high, back straight, stomach in, chest out, and aim high. Some people lose a couple of inches by not walking straight. Thats where hunched backs, and round shoulders come in to. By walking with backs straight, you will not only feel better, but will even feel taller.
Walk with your head up. Stick out your chest. Pull in your stomach. Throw your shoulders back. Walk with pride and confidence.To improve your stance, look into a mirror to see how best you should stand. Then again, stand with your back to a wall and raise your head and contract your stomach muscles.
Choose dark and uniform colours. The cloth can have soft vertical lines (pin stripe) and avoid plaids or square designs.
A suit, matching jacket and pants, of the same colour also make you look taller.
Wear trousers that are long and narrow and without cuffs.
Adopt the slimmer, elegant style of a vest and tie
What are the factors that determine a person’s height?
Height is determined by a complex combination of genetics and environment. The basic rule of the thumb formula for human height may be summarized as:
(Genetics + Hormones + Nutrition) - Stress
When do we stop growing taller?
We have been genetically programmed to stop growing after the completion of puberty. At this point the complex interplay of genes, nutrients, and hormones reaches its climax. Once our genes have orchestrated the growth and development of the body to the point that it can reproduce, the purpose for growth is complete. This usually happens at the average age of 16 years for girls and 18 years for boys
This is a little comparation about human height in Indonesia
height 145 cm :
Women: 46-50 kg (little), 49-55 (medium) 53-59 kg (big)
height 147 cm:
- Women: 46-51 kg (little), 50-56 (medium) 54-61 kg (big)
height 150 cm:
- Women: 47-52 kg (little), 51-57 (medium) 55-62 kg (big)
height 152 cm:
- Women: 48-53 kg (little), 52-58 (medium) 56-63 kg (big)
height155 cm:
-man: 57-60 kg (little), 58-63 (medium) 61-67 kg (big)
- Women: 49-55 kg (little), 53-60 (medium) 58-65 kg (big)
height 157 cm:
- Man: 58-61 kg (little), 59-64 (medium) 62-68 kg (big)
- Women: 50-56 kg (little), 55-61 (medium) 59-66 kg (big)
height 160 cm:
- Man: 59-61 kg (little), 60-65 (medium) 63-70 kg (big)
- Women: 51-57 kg (little), 56-62 (medium) 61-68 kg (big))
height 163 cm:
- Man: 60-62 kg (little), 61-66 (medium) 64-71 kg (big)
- Female: 53-59 kg (little), 57-64 (medium) 62-70 kg (big)
Height 165 cm:
- Men: 61-63 kg (little), 62-67 (medium) 65-73 kg (big)
- Female: 54-60 kg (little), 59-65 (medium) 63-72 kg (big)
Height 168 cm:
- Men: 61-65 kg (small), 63-69 (medium) 66-75 kg (big)
- Female: 56-61 kg (small), 60-66 (medium) 65-74 kg (big)
Height 170 cm:
- Men: 62-66 kg (small), 65-70 (medium) 68-77 kg (big)
- Female: 57-63 kg (small), 61-68 (medium) 66-76 kg (big)
Height 173 cm:
- Men: 63-67 kg (small), 66-71 (medium) 69-79 kg (big)
- Female: 58-64 kg (small), 63-69 (medium) 67-77 kg (big)
Height 175 cm:
- Men: 64-69 kg (small), 67-73 (medium) 71-81 kg (big)
- Female: 60-66 kg (small), 64-71 (medium) 69-78 kg (big)
Height 178 cm:
- Men: 65-70 kg (small), 69-74 (medium) 72-82 kg (big)
- Female: 61-67 kg (small), 66-72 (medium) 70-80 kg (big)
Height 180 cm:
- Men: 66-71 kg (small), 70-76 (medium) 73-84 kg (large)
- Female: 62-68 kg (small), 67-73 (medium) 71-81 kg (large)
Height 183 cm:
- Men: 68-73 kg (small) 71-78 (moderate) 75-86 kg (large)
Height 185 cm:
- Men: 69-75 kg (small) 73-80 (moderate) 77-88 kg (large)
Height 188 cm:
- Men: 71-77 kg (small) 75-81 (moderate) 79-91 kg (large)
Height 190 cm:
- Men: 72-79 kg (small) 76-84 (moderate) 81-93 kg (large)
Stretching exercises 20-30 minutes. proper sleep is essential to relax mind and body
stretch your legs and spine, and you need to do stretching exercises that help you decompress the vertebrae, lengthening the spine.
Swimming reduces lots of tension in the body, and provides excellent stretch to stimulate the body to grow taller
Bar hang and touching toes are also great exercises to gain some height. Vitamins A and D are the most important vitamins that help in bone metabolism, and the adequate daily dose can aid the height gain. It is also important to sleep with the spine in horizontally straight position, and try to sleep without a pillow.
Super stretch
stand, raise your hands high and lean back slightly until you feel the stretch and hold for ten seconds. A good posture helps develop the health of spinal column, preventing backbone deformation and adding extra inches to your height. The best thing about natural methods to gain height is that they do not involve wasting money on inefficient medical procedure and wonder pills. With the help of right exercise, nutrition, posture, and rest, there is a good chance of gaining an inch or two without any unnatural injections or surgeries.
Lunges are To perform a lunge you start in standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing frontwards. Then you want to take a step forward with your right foot and as you do so, lean down with it until your right thigh is parallel with the floor. Hold this position for a count of five and then return to your starting position and repeat with the opposite leg
toe touching exercise. These probably make you reminisce of gym class in high school.
Start in a sitting position and spread your legs apart, then reach down with both hands towards one of your feet. Milk is also essential because the calcium helps build strong, healthy bones which in turn will make you taller.
When you walk, try keeping your head straight, chin high, back straight, stomach in, chest out, and aim high. Some people lose a couple of inches by not walking straight. Thats where hunched backs, and round shoulders come in to. By walking with backs straight, you will not only feel better, but will even feel taller.
Walk with your head up. Stick out your chest. Pull in your stomach. Throw your shoulders back. Walk with pride and confidence.To improve your stance, look into a mirror to see how best you should stand. Then again, stand with your back to a wall and raise your head and contract your stomach muscles.
Choose dark and uniform colours. The cloth can have soft vertical lines (pin stripe) and avoid plaids or square designs.
A suit, matching jacket and pants, of the same colour also make you look taller.
Wear trousers that are long and narrow and without cuffs.
Adopt the slimmer, elegant style of a vest and tie
What are the factors that determine a person’s height?
Height is determined by a complex combination of genetics and environment. The basic rule of the thumb formula for human height may be summarized as:
(Genetics + Hormones + Nutrition) - Stress
When do we stop growing taller?
We have been genetically programmed to stop growing after the completion of puberty. At this point the complex interplay of genes, nutrients, and hormones reaches its climax. Once our genes have orchestrated the growth and development of the body to the point that it can reproduce, the purpose for growth is complete. This usually happens at the average age of 16 years for girls and 18 years for boys

. What are growth spurts?
Growth spurts is a term used for a rapid increase in height and weight which typically occurs during puberty. In their teens, kids put on an amazing growth to reach their final adult height. This phenomenal growth starts at the outside of the body and works in. Hands and feet are the first to expand. Needing new shoes is the first sign of experiencing growth spurts. Next, arms and legs grow longer. Finally the spine grows. The very last expansion is a broadening of the chest and shoulders in boys, and a widening of the hips and pelvis in girls.
5. What kind of a diet can help increase my height?
A nutritious diet that includes fruits and vegetables, dairy, cereals, meat, and plenty of water will aid the natural process for enhancing height.
6. Does sleep help human growth?
Getting proper sleep is vital for the growth hormones to perform its function effectively. Not getting enough sleep can lower the amount of growth hormones your body produces.
7. What are growth hormones?
Human growth hormone (HGH) is a substance released by a pea like structure deep inside the brain just behind the eyes. This substance is mostly released during the first couple of hours of sleep and after exercise. Its function is to stimulate growth in human body up until the end of puberty.
8. Can the intake of growth hormones (HGH) make me grow taller?
The intake of growth hormones can work only during the formative years. The excessive intake of hormones through artificial means may cause abnormal and disproportionate growth. The term (HGH) has often been used and abused by many fraudulent marketers to make outrageous claims of stimulating growth. The fact is that the sale of growth hormone treatment is highly regulated and can only be prescribed by specialists. To learn more about growth hormone treatment options please visit the following wikipedia article:
Wikipedia: Growth Hormone Treatment
9. Are there any medications that can help me gain height after puberty?
There is no medication that can make you enhance height after puberty. There are many products in the market today that claim to increase height of adults, but they are all scams without sufficient scientific evidence.
10. Can stretching exercises help me gain height?
Some stretching exercises can help increase the height enhancing process during puberty. After puberty the stretching exercises can still help correct a person’s posture. You’ll be surprised by how much of Height is hidden behind your slouched back. You can, at any age, add an inch or two of height by simply improving your posture. Follow the link below for information on specific height enhancing exercises:
WalkTall: Height Exercises
11. Does proper breathing influence human growth?
Proper and effective breathing brings sufficient oxygen into your body to stimulate growth. Only deep breathing is effective breathing. Shallow breathing is ineffective and it stunts growth. For more info on deep breathing exercise visit the link below:
WalkTall: Breathing Exercise
12. How can I gain height through surgical procedure?
Cosmetic leg lengthening procedure can be performed on people to gain a few extra inches of height. This is a very complex, expensive and painful surgery that requires long recovery times. Some medical centers involve the patient with psychological evaluation to ensure they will be able to endure the recovery, with the necessary positive attitude. You can follow the wikipedia article on leg lengthening procedure for more details:
Wikipedia: Leg Lengthening Treatments
13. Where can I get a list of hospitals that perform leg lengthening procedures?
You can follow the link below for a list of hospitals that perform cosmetic leg lengthening procedures:
Short Support: Leg Lengthening Hospitals
14. What’s the average height of men and women?
Height is relative to where a person lives. A person of average height in the Netherlands might be considered tall in Japan. You can visit the link below for the average heights of various nationalities:
WalkTall: Average Height
15. Is it true that the present generation is taller than the previous one?
There seems to be a correlation between economic growth and human height. Asian populations were once thought to be inherently shorter; though it now seems that the average height of China and other Asian countries have improved significantly. The human growth responds to better health care facilities and better nutritional diet. The following chart will help you understand the increase in average human height during the last 150 years:

So I have some sugestion for yu that feel little or shorter than others
1. Try to have good posture by scretching and proportional rest n good position when you sleep
Lay down without pillow when you sleep
do some scretch a lot of body legs abs, sholder, arms and all sit up and other that make your bone scratching more and each movement it will make effect longer than usual
2. Eat noutrition food that full of calcium better to use milk, cheese n use for calcium pills by doctor prescription
3. Do some sport as swim, run and cycling
4. Take a good envy and friend that think you are better in your way n doesn't judgee by your phisycal
5. Always have a good motivation of your live and think you are great and etc
6. use a style and good combination dress or clothes. it's better to you that shorter than others use degradation colour or same colour. N avoid to use contrast colour that make you look as a piece puzzle, use little stripes, decorraiton tie n other.
7. Use a higher soll shoes, you can give additional soll inside your own shoes to make you look higher.
8. Just the way you are, thanks to god and be ur self no matter what they say coz you have born this way
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