TAA or in Indonesian Temu adik asuh is a an event for chairity program that support education around ITTelkom. This event gather the volunteer and the student that helped by this chairity prograam. Some of them are Elementary school, juniorhigh school, senior high school.
Located near ITTelkom University and above GKA Program that a part of Lazis S.U. TAA event make the student happy and share with each other.

Inilah sebagian foto temu adik asuh yang diadakan pada periode 2009/20010 di Taman Ir. haji Juanda. Kegiatan yang dilakukan bermacam2 meliputi... pengenalan sejarah taman Ir. Haji juanda, pengenalan flora dan alam... selusur sejarah goa jepang dan goa belanda. Selain itu dilakukan pelatihan kepemimpinan, kreasi, ketangkasan dll..

Berkumpul.. pengarahan sebelum kegiatan dilaksanakan.. adik2 asuh dari SD, SMP dan SMa dari 16 sekolah dengan jumlah hampir 60 orang menunggu dengan sabar...

Tampak dalam foto K.Revin, abdi dan K. lukman berfoto bersama adik2 asuh...

K.Anwar memberikan motivasi dan penyemangat kepada adik2 asuh dan kakak2 asuh yang hadir.
It's the 2nd place to held TAA... in my Learning Centre campus...
Differently and un ordinary boy... try to guess, who is he...??? here i am
Jauhar and nunung as a GKA team's give advice about the rule in the smart simulation game... Hope fully they can answer the difficult game...
Yunen Nia and Iffah with a group of adik asuh... are they nervous to take a pict ..?? smile..... :D
A group of little boy that playing some game. Deby and her friends explain fluently... i'm not sure this little kid understand about their explanation.. wkwkwk
Hey look they come again but know this little group of kid take a pict with Robi and kurniawan... hahahah sy hai5 by roby to us... look like kinder graten boy...

let's take a meals after shaum for a day... this event is held in ramadhan 2008/2009

A lot of students of ITTelkom come and follow this event to support GKA program

Hay girls... what expression is that?? look like wanna take a little candy...?? But thanks to Ayu that has take this pict to remember that Adik asuh also ever come to gather with Lazis S.U.

It's a senior high school of adik asuh in M.A. Al-Mukhlisin... hopefully they can reach their dream higher by education and GKA (Gerkan Kakak Asuh)
NB: Dedicated to all hero, super boy or girl, and all extra ordinary people that ever work as team and make GKA become a big chairity movement... and you that has support by read this article.
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