Senin, 21 Februari 2011
Makanan khas bandung... (Bandung Kuliner)
Ini nih temen2 makanan khas bandung.., rame n serba meriah., ini nih es cendol ada es kacang merah.. harganya mulai dari 3-5rb an
Es dan soup buah nih enak banget dimakan waktu buka puasa r siang2 seger... ada potongan buah ma es krimnya. 3-5 ribuan
Ini nih yang disebut sup bandung, lucu kan bening.. banyak kacangnya... ada dagingnya kok.. harganya sekitar 6rb ampe belasan ribu
Ini nih bubur ayam khas bandung.. ada kacang, kerupuk dan telor rasanya maknyus harganya mulai dari 4 rebuan ampe yang skalanya tertinggi 10 ribuan.
Ini nih serabi yang dibuat dari tepung n santan dll yang dipanggang.. diatas cobek tanah .. dan bisa di commbine dengan kacang coklat dll. paling enak dimakan di pagi hari saat suasana dingin, looo.. harga perbiji mulai dari 3 rebu-5 rbuan
Ini cendol special..
Cimol makanan yang dibuat dari aci (kanji) dengan campuran bahan laen n dimakan dengan saos bisa beli 2rbjuga boleh
Ini yang disebut seblak rasanya pedes bgt, dibuat dari krupuk yang dicombine ma bumbu2 n ditumis gt lah jadilah lengket2 pedas mulai 4-6 rb an
Ini yang disebut es goyobod dibuat dari ager2+ santen+rotidll harganya 3 rban
Susu KBPS murah kook n seger yang beli di pengalengan lebih murah lagi
Brownies kukus khas berbagai toko nih enak2 n murah2 sekitr 20 rb ke atas
nasi tutug oncom special harganya biasanya mulai dari 15-20rb nicely
Baso tahu baso+tahu+telor+pare dll harganya per biji mulai 500-2rebuan murah n enak dimakan waktu panas2
Batagor, siapa sih yang g kenal ma makanan ini batagor bandungg
Minggu, 20 Februari 2011
ITTelkom University @Dayuh Kolot BDG
Kampus ITTelkom/ ITTelpun (anak2 malang suka mlesetin jd ginian) terletak dikawasaan pedesaan yang asri nyaman dan tentram. Lokasinya di daerah Dseyuh Kolot (Artinya Kota tua/ kita suka mlesetin jadi Dayuh cumlaude wkwkwk). Betewe meski ada di desa tapi g udik2 bgt kok, malah sekarang super duper rame.. deket ama pabrik ceres (tau kan produsen coklat asal swiss itu), jadi anda klo mo bli coklat tinggal loncat aj.. n klo saat2 tertentu anda akan merasakan bau coklat yang aneh n nauzubillah dah...
Deket pabrik coklat, baju, sepatu, cibaduyut + sungai citarum yang sering kebanjiran. So jangan takut g eksis klo dkt2 sini cos tiap banjir mesti diliput lo...
Eh nambah satu lagi deket tol, apartement dll yang elit jg lo...
ITTelkom terdiri dari 4 fakultas/ faculty katanye...
1. Fakultas elektro dan telekomunikasi (almamaternya coklat n logonya gajah tapi g duduk ya... jd g copas ma ITB)
2. Fakultas rekayasa industri (almamaterny red maroon keren dah matching beut ma sragam)
3. Fakultas Informatics (almamater biru tua., anak2nya suka coding nih n inet people)
4. Fakultas sains (Almamaternya ijo royo2 jadi seger dah liatnya)
Selain itu ada banyak himpunan mahasiswa, yang alim pinter n kedaerahan jg ada. Mulai dari ujung aceh ampe belakang monas jg ada ukm nya loh...
Mmm.. labnya lumayan banyak lah, cos berhasil mencuci otak kita dengan TP (Tugas pendahuluan), TA (tugas akhir), N jurnal yang seabrek-brek padahal 1 sks (OOOO miii Good salah apa hamba ya Alllah) untungnya ada masteran n temen2 yang baik hati.
Tempatnya gede kok kampus ini cukup gempor lah untuk lari2 kel kampus 100x, n seger jg banyak poonnya. Kul n dosennya lumayan daripada lumanyun.. Semangat lah meski dapet dosen yang suka nyuruh pus up klo telat, naynyi dll. ampe dosen yang baik hati luar biasa jg ada. Mahasiswanya juga beraneka macam mirip bon bin gt lah... ad yang pinter, suam2 kuku ato yang hard coper kelakuannya wkwkwkwk
Ini MSU tempat shalat dll, dipoto atapnya doang wkwkwk
Ini tempat putsal deket ged E (tempat praktikum anak elektro) n ged F (Tempat prak anak IF)
Suasana dari LC (Learning Centre)
rektorat nih ..... weduw yang pake mobil kuning siapa ya...?? tampil beda mirip bumble bee
Depan kampus pintu gerbang nih ati2 ditilang banyak polisi, so lewat PGA r gang desa aja klo g bawa helm.
Lorong kampus serasa inget di rumah sakit aja..
Lagi g ada gawe nih jadilah poto2 gni biz kul
Itu tempat mading di tengah2 ged B sekarang dah digusur
Ini nih view lab antena,.. ati2 ya ada anjingnya takut diuber2 anjing euy
Mading baru...
Tower nih bisa buat lomba 17 an, icon of ITTelkom...
Dulu2nya sejarahnya nih dibuat bertahan n komunikasi pake SKSO waktu jaman2 susah gt (waktu kemerdekaan)
Senin, 14 Februari 2011
Baluran National Park
Baluran National Park is situated in the north-eastern extremity of Java close to the islands of Bali and Madura. The park is bordered in the north by the Madura Strait, and the Bali Strait in the east. In the west and south the outside banks of rivers Bajulmati (Wonorejo Village) and Klokoran (Sumberanyar Village) form the boundaries. BNP is a rough circle with the extinct volcano, Baluran, in its centre. Based on SK Minister of Forestry No. 279/Kpts.-VI/1997 on 23 May 1997 the total area is 25,000 ha. It consist of five zones: the Main Zone (12,000 ha), Wilderness Zone (5,537 ha divided in water = 1,063 ha and land = 4,574 ha), Intensive Utilization Zone (800 ha), Specific Utilization Zone (5,780 ha) and Rehabilitation Zone (783 ha).[citation needed]
Baluran National Park is often referred to as the miniature of Indonesian vegetation types[citation needed] because almost all kinds of Indonesian vegetation can be found here. This includes mountainous rain forest on Mount Baluran, lowland monsoon forest, coastal forest, sea grass, and coral reefs, as well as the savannah that covers about 40% of the national park.[citation needed]
[edit] Coastal forest
Coastal Baluran consists of black sand, white, small black coast stone, or rock bevel, depending on the area. The coastal vegetation is formed of Barringtonia which is growing between Pandean and Tanjung Candibang, and in Labuhan Merak, Pandanus tectorius) in Tanjung Bendi, Pemphis acidula in Air Karang, Acrophora, Porites lutea, Serioptophora histerix and Stylophora sp.[citation needed]
Mangrove forest
Mangrove forests are present on the north coast and eastern parts of the national park, in Bilik, Lambuyan, Mesigit, Tanjung Sedano and in Kelor. Short mangrove that best grows on mud substrate, is found in Kelor and Bilik, including Avicennia, Sonneratia, Rhizopra species, Ceriops tagal and Rhizopora apiculata. Saline bog that is hairless approximately coming from mangrove forest cut away by pot is clean, there is in North Pandean, Mesigit, Westside Room and some other places. Some small trees which gros here for example Avicennia sp and Lumitzera racemosa with no lower plant.[citation needed]
Salt water forest
Brackish forest hardly is taken a fancy to wild animal, because availability of fresh water during the year. The biggest brackish forest there is in Sungai Kepuh side Tenggara and smaller area in Popongan, Kelor, Bama in part East and Gatal in part of North-West. The vegetation here is Excoecaria agallocha, Syzygium polyanthum, and Buchanania arborescens.[citation needed]
Savanna grassland is a real fire climax by man activity influence. This distinguishable savanna is of two types, flat savanna and surging savanna. Flat savanna, grows on young stony alluvial terrain on an area of around 1,500-2,000 ha in south-east, around Plalangan and Beko. Dominant grasses in this area are Dichantium caricasum, Heteropogon contortus and Sorghum nitidum. Trees comprise Acacia leucophloea and Schleichera oleosa. Surging savannah grows above big rocky black land, over an area of ca. 6,000 ha in north and north-east. This there are grazing animals such as banteng Bos javanicus, buffalo Bubalus bubalis and also Rusa Deer Cervus timorensis.[citation needed]
Dominant grasses are Dichantium caricasum, Sclerachne punctata and Sorghum nitidum. Trees are Schleichera oleosa, Acacia leucophloea, and Zizyphus rotundifolia that grows wides spreading. The savanna always changes, as result of combustion, logging and shepherding by people around the forest. This situation takes place in long period. The change also happened with existence of invasive Acacia nilotica which before purposed for fire breaker. Spreading Acacia nilotica covers most of Bekol savanna, Curah Udang savanna and partly small of Kramat savanna and Balanan.[citation needed]
Mountainous rain forest
Located around Baluran Mount until 1200 up from sea level in high, they are the most virgin forest in Baluran caused by hard accessibility to reach there by human. The Mountainous Rain forest in Baluran might be the most important forest association belong to this function as a catchment area. From there, many spring water is available for animal needed especially when a long dry season came.[citation needed]
Monsoon forest
There are two monsoon forest types in Baluran, lowland monsoon forest and mountainous monsoon. Lowland season forest cover around of 1500 ha of Baluran area bordering with plantation forest, evergreen forest, and savannah at Bekol Kramat. While mountainous monsoon forest attending at mount Baluran, Mount Klosot and Pot Mount. Tress which are arranging lowland moonson forest like Zizyphus rotundifolia, Emblica officinalis, Aleucophloea sp, Tamarindus indica, Schoutenia ovata, Azadirachta indica, Acacia tomentosa, Talok Grewia eriocarpa and Schleichera oleosa. And mountainous monsoon are walnut Aleurites moluccana, Emblica officinalis, Homalium foetidun, Vitex pubescens, Dryopetes ovalis, and Casia fistula.[citation needed]
Sea grass
Sea grasses of Baluran are spread out on beaches with less waves, including Bama beach, Kajang beach, Balanan beach, Lempuyang beach and straight to the west until Bilik-Sijile beach and Air Tawar Beach. Sea grasses provide habitat for Milkfish Chanos chanos, squids and other fishes. Fishing often occurs in the area.[citation needed]
Coral reef
Coral reefs are found along Bama, Lempuyang, Bilik-Sijile, Air Karang, Kajang, Balanan and Kalitopo beaches. Baluran's coral reef includes edge corals with various kind of width and depths ranging from 0.5 to 40 meters. Corals species include Acropora Branching, Acropora Encrusting, Acropora Tubulate and Mushroom Corals.[citation needed]
There are about 155 species of endangered birds, including Hirundapus caudutus. Other endangered animals being protected are: Bos javanicus, Cuon alpinus, Muntiacus muntjak, Pavo muticus, Gallus sp., Felis pardus and Felis viverrina.
Rabu, 09 Februari 2011
Tourism and Go Around BANDUNG (pict)
Braga City walk is de Ancient style of colonial store, at the last braga is a centre of fashion style in bandung. But now it changed, become oldies building. U can take picture here n chees...:D
This old Build is a Bank of Indonesia that located near governmet official building. It has ancient style of colonial building.
This is a kind of ststue foot ball player that located near jl. Lembong this statue is shown that bandungnese people a foot ball lover. One of famous team that following Indonesian premiere League tem that located in Bandung is "Persib" it familiar call as maung bandung.
As paris van java bandung known as centre of mode in Java or Indonesia. A lot of creatif designer produce uniqe n original clothes, T shirt n annother handy craft. Some store give cheaper r sale price n big diskon, so it cheaper when u shoping in bandung better than singapure n another.
Bandung also known as education town that have some of institute n high school n university, kind of students from another province r country choose bandung as their destination for college. N bandung has a society of research from telecomunication, science and another kind of program. so let's go to get study in bandung.
Coz bandung surrounded by some hill n mount it have beautifull view of valley, farm area, lake n mount r crater. When u like to visit bandung with ur family, i recomended u to visit ciwidey the place that located in highly area. It have a place for out bond (Flying fox, jungle area, tracking, camp area and field of strawberry).
Or if u like another beautifull crater u can visit Crater Ratu in Tangkuban Perahu Mount that so famous coz its story ...
When u visit Bandung dont forget to taste the delicious sundanese food n drink, i.e. : bandrek, bajigur, ice goyobod, cendol, fresh milk, nasi tutug, karedok, batagor, serabi n anothoer delicious cuisine. U can buy some flower in bandung cos it famous with city of flower.
"Welcommen, welcome, wilujeng sumping, sugeng rawuh,
priviet, hola, ahlan wa sahlan in Bandung city"